Hello again dear readers and welcome to our blog about golfing in South Dakota! We hope you enjoy reading the articles dedicated to golf in South Dakota and that you now want to visit our home state and explore the slopes for yourself.
We thought it was only fair to tell you a little bit about ourselves as we often encourage you to share your opinion regarding our articles with us. We will use this space to discuss how we became interested in golf and why we decided to make this blog and introduce the wider Internet audience to the hidden golf gem that is South Dakota.
Our Beginnings
If it wasn’t clear, we are all from South Dakota. We met as children because we lived in the same neighborhood and we are happy to share that we remain just as close despite the distance that now separates some of us.
One of our earliest memories involve helping our dads preparing their clubs on Sunday to go golfing with each other. This most nostalgic ritual stayed with us and we now try to recreate it with our own children and inspire the same love of the game that our fathers inspired in us.
Why We Made the Blog
It would be an understatement to say that South Dakotans are obsessed with golf. Ask any kid from anywhere in the state whether their parents play golf and you would get the same response.
Still, we didn’t expect to find out that South Dakotans are the most avid American golfers when we first researched the topic for our blog. This new information made us even prouder to call ourselves South Dakotans and we hope to share our golf legacy with you.
The main reason why we made this blog has to do with the physical distance that now separates some of us, which we mentioned earlier. College and marriage took some of us to other states which made keeping in touch harder than we expected it to.
Yet, our love for golf acts as the glue of our friends’ group and we thought that there is no better way to nourish our friendship than creating a space where we could all share our expertise and hopefully make other people appreciate our state and its golf history.
Another reason why we decided to do this has to do with the reputation of South Dakota. Don’t lie and say that you knew South Dakota for anything else but Mount Rushmore before you read this blog. While majestic, we don’t want tourists to only associate our home with the monument, especially when we are apparently the most avid golfers in the union.
South Dakota has a lot to offer golfers from the US and abroad and we wanted to make that known. Sure, California and North Carolina might be the unofficial golf capitals but the South Dakotan weather and terrain make for perfect game conditions, so we felt it was our duty to tell the world about that.
Last, but not least, the cost of living in recent years has increased all around the country and we feel for the casual golfer who wants to take their family on a golf vacation. South Dakota provides affordable options to golfers that states like California might not.
All of this, banded together with our love for the game, inspired us to make this blog and we hope you will appreciate our efforts and visit South Dakota to test the courses for yourself.